i do not know how to start this history but is definietly a good one.

So it was  September 19, 2019 and for those who don't know (u know my international followers🙄) here in my country, we celebrate the beginning of the chilean independence process, and there's an annual event for those dates called "pampilla", where basically people go to eat "asado = meat" drink lots of bear and have fun with loud music.

The event is surrounded by walls and you have to pay a ticket to enter, but where I live it is common that nobody pays the entrance and instead people jump over the wall to enter the event itself. So I went with my friends (and I swear to God I went with my money to pay the entrance, because at that time I did not know that people actually jumped over the wall to enter and not pay) and they had the idea of following a herd of people heading to jump over the wall to enter to the event. So we had to walk through a huge garbage dump to get to the part where there was a small hill that allowed you to jump over the wall without hurting yourself, it was a lot of fun because there were grandmothers, parents, children and people of all kinds jumping the wall and helping you too.

And that`s it, of course i didnt paid my ticket and i spent that money on “terremotos”, here is the photo that proves it. In the event was my crush and the “terremotos” made their efect in me, so i looked like a clown in front of him (i think didnt tell u guys, but yes im gay). 

its definietly an anecdote that i will never forget!!

So tell me your, how are the pampillas where u live
